Chicago Furnace Service
Hello, Winter time is here again and chances are some of you will be needing a furnace service in Chicago to repair your furnace and get the heat going again. Since this always happens unexpectedly, I wanted to take this opportunity to discuss our Chicago furnace service, some common furnace service issues that we run accross here in the Chicago area and talk about the furnace parts that we typically replace. Hopefully, this will give you a better understanding of how a furnace works so when something does happen to your furnace, you can decide whether you need a furnace service or that it’s just time to get a new furnace.
Chicago Furnace Repair
Now that the winter season is approaching in Chicago people will be turning on their furnaces for the first time. In order to avoid a costly Chicago furnace repair and the inconvenience of not having heat I thought I’d put the most important furnace maintenance tip here for our readers.
Check your the air filter in your furnace. If you haven’t changed the air filter in your furnace in a while or you changed it at the beginning of the air conditioning season, it’s probably time to do so now. A clogged air filter can damage a furnaces blower motor which is about a $300 furnace repair in Chicago. In addition, if your furnace goes out in the middle of the night you will pay a lot more than that for a emergency furnace repair in Chicago.